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At BH Career and Money (C&M) Coaching I offer a unique combination of Career and Money Services tailor-made for professionals like you whose income exceeds $100K+, who not only aim to shine in their careers but also achieve robust financial stability. 

I understand the dual pressure of maintaining a high-flying professional life while also trying to navigate the intricacies of personal finances. 

BH Career and Money Coaching - Discovering The Power Of Dual Transformation: Mastering Your Career and Your Money!

Career and Money Coach Jocelyn Hernandez

Elevate Your Career and Financial Future

Discover the power of Career and Money Coaching

Unlock your potential, optimize your money, and embrace a future where you are in control. Let's journey together towards unparalleled financial stability and a flourishing career. 

Your Challenges, My Mission

You are not alone in your struggles.

Many professionals like you, making $100K+ feel trapped in their financial choices, anxious about the next paycheck, and overwhelmed by financial burdens.


I see you and I am here to help. 

Which of these challenges can you relate to?

  • Unsure where every penny of your hard-earned $100K+ money is going?

  • Living off a credit card/personal debt that overwhelms you and stresses you out?

  • Feeling trapped in a job because you fear the financial uncertainty of switching?

  • Wanting to set the best financial example for your kids and family? 

  • Longing to invest in experiences, your future, and values rather than just paying bills?

  • Constantly waiting anxiously for your next paycheck?

Are you:

You are not alone. And I am here to help!

A plant with coins. Financial coaching to grow your knowledge of your finances.

Begin Your Transformation Today



Break the Cycle: No more paycheck-to-paycheck living. No more avoiding conversations about money. No more feeling trapped in a job. It's time to invest in a future where your finances reflect your true worth and where you're confidently steering your professional journey. 


Align your Finances with Your Values: Picture a world where your money works for you, allowing you to indulge in activities and possessions that truly matter to you. 

Ready to take Control?

Empower yourself with the tools and guidance to overcome financial hurdles, shape your prefessional narrative, and prepare for any challenge the future may throw at you.

Marble Surface

I'm dedicated to meeting my clients’ where they are at in their career and money journey. 


Schedule a free 30 minute no obligation Let's Chat session.


Step 1

During our video call, I'll get to know more about you and your career and money challenges/goals. 


This 30 minute chat session is an opportunity for us to decide if we are a good fit for each other and answer your questions about financial coaching. 

Step 2

Towards the end of our Let's Chat call, we'll make a strategy plan moving forward.

Perhaps, you have your financial situation in a better place than you think and you only need additonal resources to get you on your way.

Or perhaps we can book a more in-depth session to look into your financials with detail. 

My goal is to provide specific and targeted solutions that you can start implementing immediately. 


Step 3

About Me

Monthly Budgeting List Graphic - BH Career and Money Coaching

I truly enjoy and am passionate about helping my clients achieve their financial goals. I truly believe that personalized coaching is the way to go, and I aim to support my clients every step of the way.


To me, what I do is a piece of a puzzle that results in you not only discovering something else about yourself but, hopefully, benefits you and your family with your finances. 


Don't just take my word for it -  read what other clients have said!

BH Career and Money Coaching has helped people achieve their career and money success.

Calculating monthly budget picture - BH Career and Money Coaching

"It could not have gone better! I got the job offer. I got complimented on the resume and was told they appreciated someone making the effort to have a professional resume, so thank you for all your help!!!"

- Harvey

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